, Gambusia holbrooki.


In an effort to control mosquitoes with less reliance on the use of pesticides, the County of York, Mosquito Control Division utilizes several approaches. In an integrated approach to pest control, one aspect is the use of biological control agents. An example of a biological control agent for mosquito control is the mosquitofish, Gambusia holbrooki. When used correctly it is an efficient, cost-effective, and environmentally sound method for the control. The Mosquito Control Division has constructed two 30,000 gallon tanks shown here. Each holds several thousand mosquito fish. Our intention is to breed these fish and stock them into areas that breed mosquitoes. The species is Gambusia holbrooki. We are one of the nine government fisheries that produce fish for stocking in Virginia, and the only fishery in Virginia producing Mosquito Fish.

Mosquito Biology

There are nearly sixty different species of mosquitoes in York County, and they may be found in almost as many varieties of habitat. All have one point in common. They all require, as part of their life cycle, standing water in which to develop. It is in water where, as larvae and pupae, they spend a major part of their life cycle. During these aquatic stages of their development mosquitoes are most susceptible to control. It is at this point that mosquitofish, once introduced, will opportunistically consume mosquitoes.

Mosquitofish Biology

Gambusia holbrooki, a member of the live-bearer family Poecilliidae, is a species native to Virginia and widely distributed in the Chesapeake Bay system.

The mosquitofish thrives in a wide variety of water types, being very tolerant of high water temperatures as well as very low dissolved oxygen levels. Mosquitofish give birth to an average of 40-100 live fry, each of which is approximately 3/8" in length. On average, 3 to 4 broods are produced each year, depending on the size of the female and the length of the breeding season. Females can attain a maximum length of two inches; males one inch. Both sexes seldom survive for more than two years.

Throughout its development G. holbrooki has a voracious appetite, feeding on a wide variety of plankton as well as larger aquatic insects. It is a random feeder, with the availability of food being more important than type.

Being opportunistic feeders, other invertebrates and fish fry are readily consumed by G. holbrooki. The mosquitofish has a number of natural enemies including wading birds and various fish such as bass, pickerel and sunfish.

When to Stock

Early spring fish stocking will be most efficient for season-long control. However, mid-season stocking may be appropriate for areas which periodically dry back and re-flood as a result of seasonal weather.

Which Mosquito Species? Which Not?

In general terms. G. holbrooki is attracted to moving, active prey. The feeding and respiratory habits of the various mosquito species will determine Gambusia feeding behavior. For this reason, mosquitofish may not be effective in controlling some Anopheles or Coquillettidia mosquito species. In general, the use and application of G. holbrooki should be by professional mosquito control agencies only. No stocking should take place without first performing an adequate mosquito survey and an investigation of the natural history of each site. All stockings should be made with discrimination, and not randomly.

Habitat Types

Not all bodies of water are suitable for introduction of mosquitofish (lakes, ponds and streams generally are not considered as major sources of mosquito breeding). Some examples of mosquito habitats where fish may be introduced include:

  • Stormwater management facilities.
  • Ditches and swales.
  • Dredge spoil impoundments.
  • Artificial containers - i.e., ornamental ponds, abandoned swimming pools and foundations.
  • Excavated sites such as farm ponds.
  • Sewage lagoons and/or waste-water facilities.

Gambusia should not be stocked in natural wetlands or in areas where threatened or endangered species of fish or amphibians are known to exist. Consult with the County of York, Mosquito Division (890-3790) if there are any questions about the presence of threatened or endangered species.

Gambusia Stocking Rates

Habitat Number of fish
Bird bath (large) 10 per site
Stormwater Facility 1,000 per acre
Ditches 1 fish per yard of ditch length
Dredge Spoil Impoundments 2,500 per acre
(immediate control)
Sewage Lagoons 1,000 per acre
(inoculation rate)
Farm Ponds 1,000 per acre
Xiphophorus hellerii - Swordtailfish is a favourite aquarium live-bearer fish. Generally, it is considered a suitable fish for beginners. But this is not true. You must be an experienced aquarist generally, and you must be experienced in taking care of aquariums and fish especially. Only then you will be successful in breeding this species.

Xiphophorus hellerii - Swordtailfish is a favourite aquarium live-bearer fish. Generally, it is considered a suitable fish for beginners. But this is not true. You must be an experienced aquarist generally, and you must be experienced in taking care of aquariums and fish especially. Only then you will be successful in breeding this species.
as mentioned in the database:
Fish name: Xiphophorus hellerii
Common name: Swordtail
Maximum size (min-max): 10.0 - 12.0 cm ( 3.9 - 4.7 in)
pH of water: 7.0 - 8.0
Water hardness (dGH): dGH 12.0 - 18.0 N
Recommended temperature: 21.0 - 28.0 °C ( 69.8 - 82.4 °F)
Temperament to its family: peaceful
Temperament to other fish species: peaceful
Place in the aquarium: Top levels
The way of breeding: Live-bearer
Fish origin : Central America

Body and sexual dimorphism:

The male’s body is elongated with a sword in the adult age. The fish’s length with the sword is about 10-12 cm. The male’s sexual organ is called gonopodium. The name Swordfish was given according to this organ rather than as a part of the caudal fin. The female’s body is bigger than male’s and she is more robust than the male as well as not having any sword and gonopodium.

Colour variations:

This fish has some general colour variations. The wild form is olive green, with a red or brown lateral stripe and speckles on the dorsal and, sometimes, caudal fins. The male’s sword is yellow, the bottom edge is black. Captive breeding has produced many colour varieties, including black, red, and lots of body patterns.


You can feed them with flakes, live-frozen worms and other food designed for aquarium fish. Like all fishes, they need varied food. Especially, they need green foods which contain algae. You could install strong lighting in order to stimulate algae to grow in your tank thereby providing the Swordtails with what they demand and require as the basic food element. If you want to know if the fish are getting food of good quality, try to check their excrement. If the colour varies from green to black, then everything is fine. If you notice other colours, you could consider changing the food. Otherwise, your fish may face serious problems. If this is the case I recommend you simply change the food quality and amount.

Firstly, the male fertilizes the female with the gonopodium. The male inserts his sperms into the female. Unusually though, the females are able to save some sperms for later fertilization. The fry grow in the female where they consume the yolk stores. The female’s pregnancy can be identified by the dark body in front of the anal fin.

Young swordtails are bigger than other fry of non live-bearer fishes. They immediately swim and can hide before predators. They also grow quickly and can eat flakes soon after birth.

Aquarium conditions:
They need free space for swimming, however lots of aquarium plants too. For this fish, you need an aquarium with a minimum length of 1 metre. It means that an aquarium with a capacity of 200 litres or more is suitable for four specimens. For example, one male and 3 females. I don’t recommended you to keep 2 males in one tank. There is a hierarchy between Swordtails and only one male is the dominant one and could possibly harass the rest. If you keep the conditions inside the tank of a good quality, swordtails will become plentiful. Generally speaking, you will enjoy a lot of little swordtails specimens for months. Anyhow, it isn’t recommended to house them in the tank. You should give or sell them, otherwise you risk overpopulating your aquarium.

These fish are very good swimmers. If needed, they can swim very fast and can jump over the surface of the aquarium water. This is dangerous, since they can jump out. Naturally, they would die unless you put them back quickly. They’re good jumpers, because they become from streaming waters originally. Because of this reason, ensure a strong water stream in the aquarium. Swordtails and other live-bearers produce much excrement, so you should buy a good filtration system and clear the bottom from time to time.

They love hard water. Driftwood and peat can make water acidic. Swordtails can adapt to new conditions but probably won’t reproduce.

Common names, misspellings:
Green Swordtail, Red Swordtail, Xiphophorus hellerihelleri, Poecilia helleri, Xiphophorus helleri, Xiphophorus helleribrevis, Xiphophorus helleristrigatus.

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Kantor Deputi Menegristek Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi

Ikan hias cukup dikenal oleh masyarakat sebagai hiasan aquarium.
Perkembangan ikan hias di Indonesia mengalami kemajuan yang terus
meningkat, terutama ikan hias air tawar asli Indonesia. Dari sekian banyak jenis
ikan hias, tidak semuanya telah dapat dibudidayakan. Dalam menternakkan
ikan hias harus diperhatikan bahwa masing-masing jenis mempunyai sifat dan
kebiasaan hidup yang berbeda-beda, misalnya dalam cara pemijahan, bertelur
ataupun menyusun sarangnya.
Cara perkembangbiakkan ikan hias ada beberapa macam:
1) Ikan-ikan hias yang beranak.
2) Ikan-ikan hias yang bertelur berserakan.
3) Ikan-ikan hias yang meletakkan telurnya pada suatu subtrat.
4) Ikan-ikan hias yang menetaskan telurnya dalam sarang busa.
5) Ikan-ikan yang mengeramkan telurnya di dalam mulut.
Dalam tulisan ini akan dibahas mengenai cara-cara pemeliharaan ikan hias
yang beranak (live bearer), misalnya:
1) Ikan Guppy (Poecilia reticulata Guppy)
2) Ikan Molly (Poelicia latipinna Sailfin molly)
3) Ikan Platy (Xiphophorus maculatus Platy)
4) Ikan Sword tail (Xiphophorus helleri Sword tail)
1) Induk Jantan
a. Mempunyai gonopodium (berupa tonjolan dibelakang sirip perut) yang
merupakan modifikasi sirip anal yang berupa menjadi sirip yang panjang.
b. Tubuhnya rampaing.
c. Warnanya lebih cerah.
d. Sirip punggung lebih panjang.
e. Kepalanya besar.
2) Induk Betina
a. Dibelakang sirip perut tidak ada gonopodium, tetapi berupa sirip halus.
b. Tubuhnya gemuk
c. Warnanya kurang cerah.
d. Sirip punggung biasa.TTG BUDIDAYA PERIKANAN
Hal. 2/ 3
Kantor Deputi Menegristek Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi
Gedung II BPP Teknologi Lantai 6, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 8 Jakarta 10340
Tel. 021 316 9166~69, Fax. 021 316 1952, http://www.ristek.go.id
e. Kepalanya agak runcing.
1) Air yang diperlukan adalah ari yang cukup mengandung Oksigen (O2) dan
2) Suhu air berkisar antara 15 ~ 270
3) pH yang disukai agak sedikit alkalis, yaitu berkisar 7 ~ 8.
4) Makanan yang diberikan dapat berupa makanan alami (cuk, cacing, kutu air)
dan makanan buatan, diberikan secukupnya.
1) Pemilihan indu. Pilihlah induk yang berukuran relatif besar, bentuk tubuh
yang mengembung serta mempunyai warna yang indah.
2) Induk-induk yang telah dipilih dimasukkan dalam satu bak untuk beberapa
pasang induk. Namun apabila menghendaki keturunan tertentu dapat pula
dilakukan dengan cara memisahkan dalam bak tersendiri sepasang-
3) Bak-bak pemijahan harus dikontrol setiap hari. Setelah lahir, anak-anak ikan
harus cepat-cepat diambil dan dipisahkan dari induknya agar tidak dimakan
oleh induknya.
1) Anak-anak ikan yang baru lahir belum membutuhkan makanan, karena
masih mengandung kuning telur (yolk egg). Setelah 4 ~ 5 hari anak ikan baru
dapat diberi makanan berupa kutu air yang sudah disaring, atau kuning telur
yang telah direbus dan dihancurkan.
2) Setelah mencapai ukuran medium (2 ~ 3 cm) dapat diberikan makanan
cacing, kemudian setelah mencapai ukuran dewasa (5 ~ 7 cm) dapat diberi
makanan cuk.
3) Disamping makanan alami dapat pula diberi makanan tambahan berupa
cacing kering, agar-agar dll.
4) Pemberian makanan sebaiknya 2 kali sehari, hendaknya jangan berlebihan,
karena dapat menyebabkan pembusukan yang dapat meerusak kualitas air.TTG BUDIDAYA PERIKANAN
Hal. 3/ 3
Kantor Deputi Menegristek Bidang Pendayagunaan dan Pemasyarakatan Ilmu Pengetahuan dan Teknologi
Gedung II BPP Teknologi Lantai 6, Jl. M.H. Thamrin 8 Jakarta 10340
Tel. 021 316 9166~69, Fax. 021 316 1952, http://www.ristek.go.id
5) Pergantian air. Air dalam bak atau aquarium jangan sampai kotor/keruh,
karena dapat menyebabkan kematian anak ikan. Kotoran dapat dibersihkan
setiap 2 ~ 3 hari sekali dengan cara disiphon, air yang terbuang pada waktu
penyiphonan sebanyak 10 ~20% dapat diganti dengan air yang baru.
Budidaya ikan live bearer ini sangat mudah dan mempunyai tingkat
keberhasilan yang tinggi. Untuk satu pasang ikan dapat menghasilkan 50
sampai 100 ekar ikan untuk satu kali pemijahan, dengan harga perekor Rp. 25,-
sampai Rp. 75,-. Jenis ikan ini juga merupakan ikan hias yang dapat di eksport
misalnya: ikan Guppy. Dengan teknik pemeliharaan yang tepat dan ketekunan
yang tinggi akan didapat hasil dengan warna yang sangat indah.
Dinas Perikanan DKI Jakarta, Jakarta, 1996
Dinas Perikanan DKI Jakarta, Jakarta
Jakarta, Maret 2001
Disadur oleh : Tarwiyah

Oranda Goldfish (Carassius Auratus)

Oranda Goldfish (Carassius Auratus)

Oranda Goldfish merupakan salah satu jenis ikan mas koki yang cukup banyak digemari. Selain bentuknya yang lucu dan jambulnya yang menarik, goyangan badannya pun pada waktu dia berenang bagaikan seorang penari. Ditambah lagi dengan warna2 yang cerah pada tubuhnya. Oranda pantas untuk dikoleksi.
Oranda Goldfish was first developed in 1590 when the Red cap Oranda goldfish first appeared and is one of the few fancy Goldfish types that are equally appreciated by eastern and western goldfish keepers. Tiger head goldfish are a much newer form of goldfish and was created 1893. Oranda goldfish seldom live up to the standard and high quality Oranda goldfish are rare. A high quality Oranda goldfish should have a body that as at least as wide as 66 percent of is body length, preferable wider. All the fins on an Oranda goldfish should be paired except the dorsal fin and the tail fin should be split. High quality Orlanda goldfish doesn’t have forked fins but fish with forked fins will still be seen as Oranda goldfish fish only of lower quality. Fain tailed goldfish could earlier be counted as Oranda goldfish but can with today standards never be counted as such. The Tail fin should be at least the same length as 75% of the body length. Oranda goldfish should also always have a well developed hood on there head.

There exist two basic colour types of Oranda Goldfish. Metallic and Calico Based Fish. Cailco based Oranda Goldfish has coloured spots on a blue background. Metallic Type fish has a metallic shimmer to them and can have a number of different colours

oranda goldfish
Picture of Oranda goldfish
Oranda goldfish can grow to be 15-18 cm (6-7 inches). They are among the more sensitive fancy goldfish and should never be kept in water colder 18°C / 65°F which makes them less suitable for gardens pond in areas where the water temperature may drop below 18°C / 65°F. Make sure that your pond keep temperature is high enough for your Oranda goldfish. The water temperature is best kept between 18°-22° C (65°-72° F)

Oranda goldfish are best kept in groups in an aquarium with planted areas as well as open areas where the fish can swim. They will accept most food types and can be kept on diet off flake food and pellets. Try to include vegetables in their diet.

It is possible to breed Orlanda goldfish but only a low procent of the fry will usually be high quality Orlanda goldfish. It is hard to sex Orlanda goldfish outside the breeding season but males are usually smaller and more slender. It is easy to sex Orlanda Goldfish during the breeding season since the head of the males become covered with white dots. (Don’t mistake this phenomenon with ich). These dots are called breeding tubercles. A period with lower temperature followed by gradually raising the temperature helps trigger spawning.

Kohaku Mata Merah

Ciri Ciri Kohaku Merah

Koi yang tubuhnya berwarna dasar putih dengan belang/bercak/pattern (pola) merah yang terdapat dibagian kepala, punggung, dan pangkal ekor. Kohaku dikatakan baik atau berkualitas apabila: a. Warna dasar putihnya bersih seperti warna salju, tidak boleh putih kekuningan, putih kecoklatan, dengan belang berwarna merah pekat tetapi cerah, sehingga perbedaan warnanya tampak mencolok (kontras) b. Semua sirip, mata, hidung, pipi/tutup insang dan mulut tidak terkena bercak/belang merah. c. Diatas kepala harus ada belang merah (bosu/pendeta). d. Belang pada kepala, punggung dan pangkal ekor terletak seimbang dan proporsional antara kiri dan kanan (tidak harus simetris). terkadang pola unik juga disukai... e. Belang merah mulai punggung samapai pangkal ekor mencapai gurat sisi (linea lateralis). f. Jarak ideal antara belang merah pada pangkal ekor dengan sirip ekor minimal 1 cm (untuk ikan berukuran 20 - 30 cm). g. Tidak ada degradasi warna (pudar) atau batas tepi warna (kiwa) merah tegas dan jelas.. Berdasarkan tipe bercak merah tersebut, jenis-jenis kohaku antara lain: 1. Pongge kohaku : Kohaku dengan pola merah yang tidak terputus mulai dari kepala sampai pangkal ekor. 2. Nindan kohaku : Kohaku dengan dua pola merah 3. Sandan kohaku : Kohaku dengan tiga pola merah 4. Kuchibeni kohaku : Kohaku dengan bercak merah pada bibir. 5. Maruten kohaku : Kohaku dengan bercak merah terpisah berbentuk bulat dikepala. 6. Inazuma kohaku : Kohaku dengan bercak merah menyerupai bentuk kilat dipunggung.

Red Sodakhar Slayer (Xiphophorus Helleri)

Red Sword Tail with slayer or local name is "Red Eye All Sodakhar" is an exotic freshwater fish which is valuable for your collection.

PT Arwana Citra Ikan Hias Indonesia was established in 2005 by Mr. Sriyadi. He build 3 ponds containing adult super reds and young super reds and a show room. He is planning to breed super red arowana. Now the company providing high quality young super red and adult super red. The showroom is on above mention address. The water, filtration and the diet of the arowanas is taking care daily to provide healthy and beautiful arowanas.

Indonesian Super Red only divide to Chilli Red and Blood Red not like other country divide into many names. Super Red is one of the most expensive fish in the world hence to high demand and low supply of it. Breeding an arowanas is not easy especially super red type, need about 5 years to reach maturity for succesful breeding. Each individual will spawn at different times of the year. The breeding cycle is around 1-2 times per year. There are very rare instances where an arowana spawns 3 times a year.
Last but not least , good luck! and yes we need a lot of good luck in order to succeed in breeding.

The demand of the market has exceeded the quantity available, the price of arowanas is rising continuously. Because of the attractiveness of its high price being a good investment opportunity, people like keeping 1 or even 10 pcs of arowanas in their home / office. Somehow it believe that arowanas can bring luck to the owner and can protect the owner from evil spirit or bad luck.

We are now aware of the peculiarity of arowana. If we wish our arowana to grow beautifully, we must take extensive care of the fish during its growing phase.

It require passion and loving heart to keep an arowana. That could mean time and money has to be spent on it. Only the rich and able one can afford to to so. Therefore, keeping arowana is no longer a hobby, but a representation of one's status.