teknologi modifikasi cuaca

teknologi modifikasi cuaca
beberapa hari ini jakarta masih saja dilanda banjir.dan diperkirakan ibukota masih waspada dengan adanya banjir susulan yang diperkirakan naik pada tanggal 27 januari. yang pada waktu itu juga terjadi bulan purnama sehingga air pasang.
badan meteorologi dan geofisika melakukan  upaya modifikasi cuaca dengan cara menaburkan nacl atau garam dengan pesawat yang dilakukan kerja sama dengan pihak TNI udara

Neptune's Harvest Organic Fish Fertilizer.Neptune's Harvest® Fish Fertilizer (2-4-1) is produced making use of a unique cold method that protects the vitamins, amino acids, enzymes and development hormones. It also includes all the micro and macro nutrients normally found in North Atlantic fish. Unlike emulsions, this item retains the proteins and oils and has no unpleasant odor. University research have proven Neptune's Harvest to outperform several chemical fertilizers. OMRI Outlined for use in natural production.

Instructions for Use:
Residence Vegetation: Use 1 Tbsp. per gallon of drinking water. Feed each and every 2-3 weeks.

-N Natural and organic Fish Emulsion ,organic fish fertilizer
Created to integrate with nature’s personal soil processes.
Verte-N is developed to integrate with nature’s very own soil processes. Verte-N combines with earth’s bionetwork to offer wholesome high-yielding plant progress.
Verte-N is actually a all-natural plant food derived 100% from fish emulsion made up of vitamins and trace components in addition to amino acids which stimulate the soil organisms to provide stronger, much healthier much more vibrant vegetation resulting in larger manufacturing and yields. Foliar software maximises nutrient uptake and minimises leaching from the soil.