How do You get Omega-3's into my son's diet?
Saturday, November 29, 2008
I want to get Omega-3 fatty acids into my son's diet. I realize that it occurs naturally in certain fish, but are there any other foods that contain good sources of it? I have tried to get him to take the capsules but he can't swallow them whole. If the oil is taken from the capsule and added to recipes, will it still be effective?
Ozeannie - User
The human body cannot manufacture omega-3 or omega-6 fatty acids so you must get them from the diet. Most people get lots of the omega-6 fatty acids, but many people, especially children who are picky eaters, are deficient in the omega-3's.
The best sources for omega-3 fatty acids are oily fish, walnuts, flax seeds, pumpkin seeds, canola oil and soy. If your son will not eat any of these foods, then you may wish to add supplemental omega-3 fatty acids. You can do this one of two ways, either with dietary supplements or as an added ingredient in foods.
Omega-3 Supplements
Fish oil capsules are widely available, however they are large and can be hard to swallow. They also result in "fish burps," which taste terrible. Companies such as Coromega , make supplements specifically for kids (buy direct). These supplements attempt to hide the fishy taste with strong orange flavors and many kids will take them without any problems. Other supplements can be made from flax oil, which doesn't have a bad taste, but the capsules can still be hard to swallow. Here are my top picks for Omega-3 fatty acid supplements.Omega-3 Fatty Acids and Food
Flax seeds or flax oil can be added to your son's foods. Milled flax seeds add a nice crunch to foods when they are sprinkled on top of his favorite dishes. If he doesn't like crunchy textures, you can drizzle small amounts of flax oil on top of the foods you serve hum. Use flax oil instead of margarine or butter on his bread and sandwiches. You can also use flax oil in salad dressings, but don't cook with it. Flax oil is too delicate for cooking, which destroys the healthy components of the oil.Canola oil is also a good source of omega-3 fatty acids and it works well for cooking. You can also use canola oil to make dressings for salads.
Omega eggs are also a good source of Omega-3 fatty acids and you can find them in your grocery store. The hens that lay these eggs are fed on healthier feeds, which results in eggs that contain omega-3 fatty acids.
Another source of omega-3 fatty acids is meat from grass fed cattle and bison. Regular beef is a very poor source of omega-3 fatss but animals fed on grass and the right types of feed contain more omega-3's.
Look for other products with omega-3 fatty acids added to them. For example, Smart Balance makes a mayonnaise that contains omega-3 fatty acids.
You could cook foods with fish oil added as an ingredient, but it may affect the taste. It is easy to hide flax oil in foods because it has a milder flavor, just be sure to add it after the food is cooked.
Source: Sinclair AJ, Begg D, Mathai M, Weisinger RS. "Omega 3 fatty acids and the brain: review of studies in depression." Asia Pac J Clin Nutr. 2007;16 Suppl:391-7.